The Freedom to Thrive is a vision for all of us.
We’re building power for pro-immigrant narratives, one story at a time. Experience these stories through our Freedom to Thrive Podcast, portrait and storytelling sessions, and video recaps.

Thrive: (verb)
to prosper;
be fortunate or successful.
to grow or develop vigorously;
Freedom to Thrive is a narrative and culture change initiative of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) that explores the question: what does it mean to thrive in the United States, and how can we make this a reality for us all? We envision a society where we all can pursue our dreams, engage in meaningful work, and live with joy, dignity, and love, regardless of how much money we have, what we look like, or where we were born. And we are working to make that vision a reality.

Portrait Sessions
To capture the vibrancy and resilience of immigrant communities and learn firsthand what it means to have the Freedom To Thrive in the United States The National Immigration Law Center hosted three pop-up portrait sessions in California, Tennessee and Georgia.

Lamartine Alvarez
"Love is a universal language that knows no is the only thing that can be given freely, and it's the force that can unite us all."

Video Stories
Participants were asked to share their stories and choose a word that captured what Freedom To Thrive means to them.